Saturday, March 1, 2014


While some captains of gotei 13 are unable to fight anymore, a hope rise from the vice captain (except Rukia. She is not a vice captain, but we know the reason behind it. Her power is equal to a vice captain actually).

Renji and Rukia has managed to beat one sternritter each. Renji beat James, the Superstar dan Rukia amazingly beat As Nodt, the Fearless. Both with new bankai.

Actually, it is not a surprise since they are well known characters in this story. What surprises me is the fact that 2nd seat of 4th division Kotetsu and 2nd seat of 13rd division Kusaji are confronted by a sternritter and show sign to fight back.

Will they be able to show breathtaking performance like Renji and Rukia?
I think this is the best moment for them to show their real power. I want to see they fight, since their ability has never been shown before in the story.

But my guess is: this is just a bridging for the appearance of Kenpachi. He will come to the rescue and kill a number of sternritter. Another possibility is either Shinji or Rose wake from their sleep and beat the sternritter.
We'll see.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


After being beaten up so badly in the last few chapter, now the fairies of Fairy are making their move. They're now invading the Tartaros headquarter in the air.
The captured guild members are now free and ready to attack. This will be an marvelous battle up in the air. Some of the members seems have chosen their demon to prey. Here's my prediction.

Erza vs. Kyouka

Mira, Elf vs. Seira.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

BLEACH - Ice Dragon VS Ice Princess

For centuries, Hyourinmaru is considered the strongest ice-based zanpakuto. Hitsugaya himself said several times during his batlle.

In the middle of Bleach story, another ice-based zanpakuto, Sode No Shirayuki owned by Kuchiki Rukiya appeared. And it is known as the most beautiful ice-based zanpakuto.
Until that moment, I'm still so sure that Hyourinmaru is the strongest. Because while Shirayuki has 3 abilities which damage seems low, Hyourinmaru has its ultimate ability Hyouten Hyakkaso, that can kill anyone whom touched by it.
But the in the newest chapter of Bleach 567, the true strength of Sode No Shirayuki is unveiled. And I'm sure as hell it's a really scary ability. Rukiya has a badas* zanpakuto. She can manipulate the temperature under 0 degrees. And her last attack in that chapter is in -273.15 degrees. The enemy is frozen in an instance.
And remember, we haven't seen the bankai power of her. Bankai power is around 10 times shikai power. So you can imagine her bankai power yourself. While we havent figured out Rukiya ultimate power, Hitsugaya power is quite predictable. He has mastered his bankai since the last fight with Aizen, and his last attack with that mastered bankai is frozen cross.
I like Hyourinmaru, but if this the best it can do, then I doubt its quality as the strongest ice-based zanpakuto. Shirayuki has the potential to take that title as the strongest ice-based zanpakuto. Well, I hope in the next chapter we can get more information to figure out, which ice-based zanpakuto is the strongest. My personal preference is still Hyourinmaru, but who knows?!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

ONE PIECE - Fake Lucy

Di Chapter 736-Chief Executive Diamante, Doflamingo got confused karena ada dua Luffy. 

Dia kan taunya Luffy bertarung di coloseum as Lucy. Memang benar sih, waktu penyisihan Lucy memang Luffy. Tapi sekarang Luffy dan Lucy muncul bersamaan. Yang menyerang Rampart Tower Great Cafetaria sih pasti Luffy asli. Liat aja bisa melarrrr..

Lalu siapa sih yang jadi Lucy di coloseum???

Kemungkinan besar, dia orang yang ada di Chapter 731 halaman 15 dan 18.
Pertanyaannya, siapa sih yang menyamar jadi Luffy?? Karena badannya kurus, I'm thinking of two possibilities sih..

Yang pertama..... Marco, The Phoenix.
Yang kedua, yang lebih meyakinkan, karna Luffy sangat kaget... Bon Kurei, Mr.2

Penasaran sih siapa  kira-kira. Petunjuk tambahannya, dia kenal sama pasukan revolusioner.. Liat aja deh nanti. Semoga cepat terungkap...

BLEACH - Less Exposed Captains

Halo semua.. Bleach sudah lama menemani kita ya. 566 Chapter, banyak tuh. Salah satu daya tarik Bleach adalah... jreng jreng jreng...... GOTEI 13.

Itu gambar-gambar kapten yang lama sih.. maaf. tapi penggemar Bleach semua tau lah kalo Tousen, Ichimaru, dan Aizen udah diganti sama Hirako, Kensei, and Rose. Meskipun keren-keren, sayangnya ada kapten yang kurang mendapatkan "panggung" dalam komik.

Sebut saja Kapten Rose, di chapter 495 - Bleeding Guitar Blues dia cuma diekspos sampai halaman 6. Itu pun cuma percakapan, bukan pertandingan.
Padahal judul chapternya jelas-jelas tentang dia. hmmm.. Lalu di chapter 560-Rage at Ringside Kensei dan Rose kalah dari quincy. Zzzzzzzz. Plis lah, padahal mereka dua kapten lawan seorang quincy. Belum juga keduanya menunjukkan kekuatan sebenarnya. Eh, malah kalah.. Nasib mereka berdua ada di Chapter 566. Vice Captain Kotetsu lagi memulihkan mereka.
Lihat saja expresi Rose. Kayaknya bakal gak ada kesempatan untuk dia bertarung lagi. Gak ter-ekspos lagi kan?!!!

Padahal di pertandingan kedua antara shinigami dan quincy ini, i highly expect to see awesome battle from all captains.. Ini sih mengecewakan..

BLEACH - Tokoh Misterius di Hueco Mundo

Nah, penggemar Bleach semua coba ingat kembali ke chapter 500 Rescuer in the Deep Dark. Kan ada tuh yang bunuh Kirge Opy "The Jail" jadi Ichigo bebas dari kurungannya.

Sampai sekarang belum jelas siapa orangnya.

Kemungkinan besar sih orangnya sama dengan yang muncul di chapter 518. 

Nah, since Urahara sebut orang itu "him" pastinya laki-laki. Bisa jadi ayahnya Ichigo tapi Ichigo sekaget itu dengar suaranya jadi mungkin bukan ayahnya. Tambah lagi, Urahara bilang "his presence is not putting our lives in danger. I was able to make a nice contract with him." Nah, semakin memperkuat kalo itu bukan ayahnya Ichigo. Masa bantu anaknya harus ada deal?!

Jadinya muncul satu kandidat lagi. ULQUIORRA..
Nah, gimana menurut kalian??